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Politique de confidentialité

General terms and conditions of use


1. Use of the Site
1.1. You must be at least 18 years old to book on this site. By booking on this site
you declare that you are of legal age.

1.2. You agree not to use the site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the

2. Content of the Site
2.1 We reserve the right to modify, add or remove content at any time.
at any time.

3. Booking and Payment
3.1. Tour bookings are subject to availability. You will receive an SMS
and/or an e-mail to warn you in case of contraindication.

4. Responsibilities
4.1. Tour guides and participants are responsible for their own personal safety during the
personal safety during the activities.

4.2. Ardeche Cevennes Randonnées cannot be held responsible in the event of
failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption in operation, preventing access to the site.
site. The company cannot be held liable, the user remaining solely responsible for the websites and data consulted.
responsible for the websites and data consulted.

4.3. Customers must keep their connection identifiers (login,
password) enabling access to an account on the site.
As these are confidential, the customer must not authorise any other person to access these account
these account identifiers. The customer will be responsible for any activity related to the services
services offered by the site, and must immediately notify Ardèche Cévennes
Randonnées of any unauthorised use of the identifiers by email to the following address: or by sms to the following number:

5. Protection of Personal Data
5.1. The personal data collected will be processed in accordance with our
privacy policy.

6. Intellectual Property Rights
6.1. The content, logos and graphics on this site are protected by intellectual property
intellectual property rights (if any).

7. Modification of the GCU
7.1. We reserve the right to modify the TOU at any time. The modifications
take effect immediately upon their publication on the site. By using this site, you
accept these Terms and Conditions of Use. If you have any questions, please

General terms and conditions of sale

These general terms and conditions of sale are concluded between :
- A natural or legal person who books a service.
- Ardèche Cévennes Randonnées
Jolan Rohaut, hiking guide for Ardèche Cévennes Randonnée.
Graduate of a STAPS degree specialising in Sports Training and a BTSA in Nature Management and
Protection de la Nature.
BAFA and PSC1 first aid certificate.
Address: 1536 route de Marvignes 07140 Chambonas
Email address:
Domain and extension:
Phone number: 0635145678
SIRET NUMBER : 92496561900019
Identification : 924965619
Professional card number : 00724ED0007

The name Ardeche Cevennes Randonnée and the logo are registered trademarks. They have
have been registered with the Institut national de la propriété industrielle (INPI).
Registration published in the Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle: (n° + date)
The photographs on this site are the exclusive property of Ardeche
Cevennes Randonnée.
They may not be used without written authorisation.

Purpose :
The purpose of these general terms and conditions of sale is to define the terms and conditions for booking and participating in the services offered by Ardeche Cevennes Randonnée.
and participation in the services offered by Ardeche Cevennes Randonnée.
They apply to all bookings for services offered on the website (address
website), whether the order is placed by telephone, e-mail, post or directly via the website.
by post or directly via the Ardèche Cévennes Randonnées website (online sales).
website (online sales). They also apply to the validation of quotations. All services
must be reserved.
All bookings on the website (website address) necessarily imply that the client has read and understood
by the customer, of these general terms and conditions of sale, prior to placing the
the order, and the customer's acceptance of their entire content.
Acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale takes effect upon validation of the
reservation of services or acceptance of the quotation by the customer. Consequently, the
customer acknowledges that he/she has been fully informed that his/her agreement to the content 

conditions does not require the handwritten signature of this document, insofar as the
document, insofar as the client wishes to reserve online the services
Ardèche Cévennes Randonnées website. The general conditions of
applicable are those in force on the day the order or quote is validated by the
quote by the client.

Ardèche Cévennes Randonnées reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior
the general terms and conditions of sale, these then becoming applicable to all orders
applicable to all orders placed after the modification.


Insurance :
In accordance with the regulations governing the activity, Ardeche Cevennes Randonnée is
insured for Professional Civil Liability: Contract no.: 79628779
However, each participant must be covered by an individual civil liability policy
as well as individual multi-risk cover to protect themselves against incidents or accidents
or accidents that may occur during the tour.


Prerequisites for participation in the services:
The customer must find out about the level of physical and sporting difficulty of the service
they wish to book. This is indicated on the website for each service.
If in doubt, please contact us for further information.
To take part in the activities, you will need to be in varying degrees of physical condition, depending on the level indicated.

to take part in the activities. The customer must not be medically unfit to take part in the activities.
to the chosen activity.

Cancellations and refunds :
In the event of cancellation by the guide, you will be offered another date or the full amount paid will be refunded without any compensation.
or the full amount paid will be refunded without any compensation.
This may be due to impracticability because of bad weather, failure to reach the minimum number of
required number of participants (the minimum required number is indicated for each service on the
website), or for exceptional circumstances.
In the event of cancellation by the customer, cancellation charges vary according to the time of
the time of notification to the guide in relation to the date of the tour:
- 30 days or more before the date of the tour: full refund.
- Between 12 and 30 days before the date of the tour: 80% of the cost is refunded.
- Between 8 and 12 days before the date of the event: 50% of the cost will be refunded.
- Less than 8 days before the date of the event: full refund.

Recommended equipment for hiking :
- At least 1.5 litres of water
- Lunch (indicated if necessary)
- Food / in case (fruit / cereal bar)
- Good shoes or trainers (ideally hiking boots)
- Weather-appropriate clothing / trousers / windbreaker
- Rucksack
- Cap or hat
- Sunglasses
- Sun cream
- Mobile phone
- Identity papers
Recommended equipment for outings :
- 0.75L water minimum
- Food / in case (fruit / cereal bar)
- Good shoes or trainers (ideally hiking boots)
- Weather-appropriate clothing / trousers / windbreaker
- Rucksack
- Cap or hat
- Sunglasses
- Sun cream
- Mobile phone
- Identity papers

Liability :
- Your guide has professional civil liability cover. This does not replace
personal liability of participants in the context of the services offered.
services offered.
- The guide is responsible for the choice of location for the tour.
- The guide is responsible for the itinerary chosen.
- The safety rules given by the guide must be respected by each participant.
- The guide cannot be held responsible for any carelessness or negligence on the part of
equipment, physical preparation or health problems,
physical weaknesses of the participants during the hikes.

- The guide is not responsible for conditions outside the hike (weather, animals, etc.),
animals, etc.).
- The guide may reserve the right to change the location and itinerary of the tour at the last minute or during the tour.
at the last minute or during the tour. This is to ensure the safety of the group.
- The guide will not be held responsible for any accidents or incidents that occur when the participant
participants using their own cars or parking their cars during the tour.
during the tour.
- The guide is not a ‘lifeguard’. When swimming in rivers
each participant bathes under his or her own responsibility. Each parent or adult
is responsible for the bathing of minors.

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